Car Rules Every Guy Needs To Follow

There’s always been a significant bond between guys and their cars. That bond comes with a responsibility, not only to the vehicle, but to himself, anyone that’s riding with him, and even when he’s a passenger. Heed these words…respecting the car and the driving process. 

  • Don’t Drive Distracted – When was the last text you received that was worth risking your life over? If you think it might be that important, pull over and handle it
  • Don’t Drink And Drive – It’s kind of amazing and depressing that this still needs to be said…and it goes for weed, too
  • Keep It Affordable – Don’t go into hock for a ride that makes you look cooler than you need to be. Not being in massive debt over a car you can’t afford is way cooler
  • Keep It Clean – Wash it regularly and keep the inside clean and free of fast-food bags, assorted garbage, and snot rags. How you keep your car is a reflection of you and how you treat things that are valuable to you
  • Don’t Park Like A Jerk – You know what it looks like when you see it. Take care to not become what you despise. Oh, and just because your car is nice doesn’t give you free rein to take up four spots. Park on the empty part of the lot and take a longer walk if it’s that important to you
  • Don’t Drive Like A Jerk – Tailgating, excessive speed, cutting people off, and all of that other self-important crap is what road rage is made of. Don’t be that guy. And be respectful of emergency vehicles and funeral processions
  • Bluetooth Courtesy – If someone calls and is on your Bluetooth, let them know they’re on speaker and that other people are in the car. It gives them the chance to consider their words before saying something stupid
  • Respect As A Passenger – If you’re riding along while someone else is driving, don’t critique their driving skills or be the exact kind of person you detest while you’re driving. Also, don’t eat without getting the okay, and…for God’s sake…don’t litter up someone else’s car. You wouldn’t like it if they did it to yours
  • Pay Attention – If you’re going to check your phone messages at a stoplight, make it quick. Don’t hog the light timing for your personal phone business
  • Be A Gentleman – Chivalry doesn’t have to be dead. Open the door for your guest, and make sure they’re all the way in before slamming the door on their leg, hand, or clothing 

Source: Alpha M

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